5 Reasons Why Your Child Should Participate in Our weekly Camps this Summer (and how it’s not too late to get them there)
If you went to summer camp as a kid, then you know.
However, if you didn’t go to summer camp as a kid, you may not be aware that summer camp can be so beneficial to furthering the development of your child as well as helping to keep your child from back sliding academically between school years.
Many parents, just like you, are committed to sending their kids to summer camp because of all the benefits their children gain over their time there.
Here are just a few reasons why…
1.) Staying Physically Active
Many kids spend their school years, either at school or at home with homework–mostly sitting. More an more, they’re playing video games or having “tablet” time. Camp provides a wonderful opportunity to move. At Atlanta SKILLZ, kids have plenty of opportunity to move. They’re running, jumping, crawling, kicking, punching, tumbling, Yoga-ing ?, Dancing! It’s all action.
2.) Experience Success and become more confident
Camps, like the one at Atlanta SKILLZ, helps children build self-confidence and self-esteem by giving them a diverse range of opportunities to succeed. Learning new skills and focusing their brains is a real boost for young people. They leave with a sense of accomplishment every day.
3.) Become More Resilient
The encouragement and structure that kids get at camp makes a great environment to endure setbacks and try new things (that may be outside their comfort zones), and see that improvement comes when they keep trying. Everyday they’re conquering their fears!
4.) Develop life-long skills
Camps provide the right instruction, equipment and facilities for kids to enhance their sports abilities, artistic talents and adventuring skills. The variety of activities offered at camp makes it easy for kids to discover new talents and develop what they like to do.
5.) Learn social skills
Camp means joining a close-knit community where everyone must agree to cooperate and respect each other. When they’re in a group environment, being taught leadership skills, they learn to share responsibilities, resolve disagreements constructively and see firsthand the importance of sincere communication. Camp builds teamwork!
What were some of the things that you gained from going to summer camp as a child?
By the way, here at Atlanta SKILLZ, we still have a few spaces in our summer camps, 25 in total- SIGN UP TODAY. It’s not too late to take action and give your child some of these amazing benefits as well as memories that will carry through to adulthood.
Check out our 2024 summer camp early bird deal